Serviteur Muet

Serviteur Muet is a collaboration between Barena Bianca and Sugar Koka, whose shared interest in culinary art and socio-ecological issues related to the Venetian Lagoon have encouraged experiments with new edible scenarios in the garden of Palazzo Venier dei Leonial at Guggenheim of Venice. Drawing inspiration from the construction of space through light and color in Edmondo Bacci’s paintings, the artists created an installation constructed with irregular levels made of butter and sugar. Transparent, semi-glasslike surfaces, alternated with bright, rotund shapes merge with the lagoon’s cartography and landscapes. Foams, creams, gummy bears, pearls, and deceptive-looking herbs are the fruits of a sweet and sour shrub, of which soon little to nothing will remain. It melts, breaks, feeds us, and finally disappears.

Photos: Giacomo Bianco